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Teen Dating Violence Awareness

Before they become adults, one in three teens in the US will experience physical, sexual, or emotional abuse by someone they are in a relationship with. SYLC strives to drive down this number by spreading messages and providing education aimed at preventing unhealthy relationships.


In a healthy relationship, you have the right to be yourself and have the freedom to be independent. You also have the responsibility to respect your partner’s privacy, independence, and interests.


Unhealthy relationships can take many forms–they can be between friends and family as well as romantic partners of any gender. If you think a friend or family member might be in an unhealthy or abusive relationship, know that the best way you can show your support is by listening to them, acknowledging their feelings, and respecting their decisions. Check out our healthy & unhealthy relationships page to find resources and learn more about red flags and warning signs of abuse. Remember, everyone has the right to feel safe in their relationship.

If you have questions about teen dating violence or think that you need help, call SAFV's crisis hotline at 800-478-6511

Healthy Me, Healthy We

SYLC's Healthy Me, Healthy We campaign aims to increase awareness of dating violence and promote healthy relationships among teens. This campaign encourages teens to define not only the “rights,” but also the “responsibilities” that they plan to establish in any relationship–intimate and platonic alike. SYLC believes a healthy relationship starts with a healthy me. Teens have the right to their individuality and independence in a relationship, as well as the responsibility to respect the same in their partner.

WEB_Healthy_Me_Dancing_poster_small (2)-1.png

You may see campaign posters and stickers in businesses and schools throughout Sitka. The video above can also be seen in movie theaters in Sitka, Juneau, and Ketchikan.

This collection of posters and stickers were developed, designed, and created by SYLC for one of their ongoing campaigns focusing on healthy teen relationships. SYLC worked with a graphic designer to bring these materials to life after attending in-depth trainings about imagery in advertising and media to gather knowledge on how to convey the best message possible. Everything from the background colors to the big, bold tagline came from the minds of students in SYLC.


Thanks to the Council on Domestic Violence and Sexual Assault (CDVSA) for supporting our campaign and distributing our materials throughout the state! Every school in Alaska has received our materials and students might recognize SYLC's design in ads taken out by CDVSA on Snapchat and YouTube.

For more information about the signs of teen dating violence, the cycle of abuse, and what to do if you or a friend is in an unhealthy or abusive relationship, check out our healthy & unhealthy relationships page!

These resources are a good place to start:

Teen Dating Violence Resources

Reach out to speak to local advocates who can provide help, support and information

 Sitkans Against Family Violence (SAFV) 

For questions or concerns about your own or a friend's romantic relationship (for young people)

 love is respect 

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